Committees in UA's Service Structure
Below are descriptions of the committees and their place in the service structure (page with overview of UA Service Structure coming soon).
"Service is vital to our recovery" in UA as tool number 5 states. Everyone is welcome and invited to do service. Click the link below to access a form where you can share your info and interest in serving on one of the Underearners Anonymous World Service Level Committees
The established and active committees are as follows:
World Service Conference Planning Committee (WSCPC) - This is a World Service Conference-Approved (WSC-A) Committee. "The World Service Conference Planning Committee’s mission is to serve the UA fellowship by creating the space where we gather annually to build and achieve the group conscience which, as the expression of our higher power, is the sole authority for our fellowship. We do this by soliciting the voice of the fellowship through the Topics of Concern Survey; making preparations for the gathering; and serving as hosts for the World Service Conference.
The World Service Conference Planning Committee maintains a website, with past Underearners Anonymous World Service Conference minutes, Annual Topics of Concern Survey (form and past responses), upcoming Underearners Anonymous World Service Conferences and other resources relating to UA World Service Conferences
To Contact the Underearners Anonymous WSC Approved World Service Conference Planning Committee email:
The Committee meets on the 1st Sunday of each month at 1:30 PM eastern US time. See the Underearners Anonymous Committee Calendar
Phone and Technology Committee (PTC) - There is a new Trustee PTC and a WSC-A PTC whose mission is to "support all individuals seeking recovery from underearning by providing vision and action in service to UA wherever technology is involved. We do so in alignment with the Traditions and principles of our fellowship and in collaboration with other trusted servants."
To contact the Underearners Anonymous Phone Tech Committee email:
The Committee meets on the 1st Sunday of each month at 12:00 PM eastern US time. See the Underearners Anonymous Committee Calendar
General Service Representatives Committee (GSRC) - This is a WSC-A Committee. From the motion establishing them as a WSC-A Committee: "The Upside Down Triangle is the basic model for UA’s Service Structure. The GSR Committee plays a primary world service leadership role in UA’s Upside Down Triangle. It derives its position as such from its GSRs who are the elected representatives of their groups. It has the power to speak and act on behalf of the members of UA. It also brings important information about UA to their groups. It is a representative voice for UA members worldwide. The GSR Committee has no other authority than the groups they represent and Higher Power."
The GSR Committee maintains a website with information and resources that serve GSRs and their groups.
To contact the Underearners Anonymous WSC Approved GSR Committee email:
The Committee meets on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 1:00 PM eastern time US. See the Underearners Anonymous Committee Calendar
The Finance Committee - This is a WSC-E Trustee Committee. The role of the committee is to work with the Treasurer and committee chairs to put together an annual budget for the fellowship. This budget is then presented at the World Service Conference for a vote. It is higher power as expressed by group conscience that leads the fellowship in all matters and without the voice of the groups, the Trustees lack the guidance required to serve as true custodians of the fellowship.
To contact the Underearners Anonymous Finance Committee email:
The Committee meets on the second Thursday of each month at 7:30 PM eastern time US. See the Underearners Anonymous Committee Calendar
The Literature Committee - This is a WSC-A Committee. From the motion to establish the WSC-A Literature Committee: "
The sole duty of this committee is to facilitate in a timely manner the creation, Conference approval, and distribution of UA Conference-Approved Literature specific to recovery from underearning. This committee shall collect, create, and edit throughout the year UA literature and bring it to the Annual World Service Conference for approval. The Committee will also establish a procedure for approved translations into languages other than English. This committee, directly accountable to its members and the groups via current Topics of Concern and the annual World Service Conference, per the upside down triangle, will function with transparency, and do its work with a spirit of cooperation, welcoming participation from all members of the Fellowship."
The following email addresses are receiving ideas and stories for consideration.
To contact the Underearners Anonymous WSC Approved Literature Committee email:
The Committee meets on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 12:00 PM eastern time US. See the Underearners Anonymous Committee Calendar
Committees that exist but aren't currently active:
Service Structure Committee
Unity Committee
Public Information Committee
Events committee