This site is hosted by the trustees elected by the majority of the Groups represented in Underearners Anonymous World Service.
We, the UA WSC Elected Trustees serve unity and the group conscience of the global fellowship.
We hold our number one role to be supporting the safe space where all can find recovery from underearning and underbeing free from disruption, dominance or governance.
We are all UA
Donations to the "UA WSC Elected Trustees" Fellowship Account:
All donations to our general fund are tax deductible. We are a 501(c)(3) registered in the State of NY EIN 88-3948273
The WSC Elected Trustees have included in our unincorporated association bylaws a commitment to transparency and accountability in the use of these funds.
We obey all previous World Service Conference (WSC) motions about donation allocations.
30% of all donations go to the WSC Fund.
10% of all donations go to the WSC Scholarship fund.
It is the commitment of the UA WSC Trustees to obey all decisions passed at World Service Conferences (WSCs) and to not make any spending commitments without transparent voting at public meetings with opportunities for feedback.
We submit our budgets to the Finance Committee to be included in a budget presented at the annual WSC for approval by vote of all GSRs.
We consider it our duty to use the donations, which belong to all of us, only with the support of a true group conscience. If there are any irresolvable disagreements about how the WSC -E Trustees spend donations, a majority vote of the WSC voters (GSRs from all groups) may call a special convocation of the WSC to resolve the conflict.
Legal Fund Donations
Donations can be made to our legal fund (at using the email address This fund is aimed at protecting the fellowship, members, committees and groups from the disruptive threat of legal action. The previous board who have refused to step down as requested by the majority of groups has spent fellowship donations on activities not in service to recovery and has disrupted our recovery space. This fund is being held to defend members and groups if needed in so far as that action expands the safety of us all. The hope is that a peaceful resolution can still be achieved. In that event, we would spend a majority of the money raised to revise the bylaws to protect the future sanctity of our recovery space, and secondly, to restore funds to the ravaged World Service Conference and WSC scholarship funds.
Legal Fund Donations