Service opportunities

"Service is vital to our recovery." 

Below is a list of current UA service opportunities to help you decide how you want to practice tool #5"

If you are ready to jump into tool #5 Service, use the form at the bottom of the page to sign up.  

Check the Calendar page for committee meetings  (more info being added as it becomes available).

If you are interested in helping to beta test the UA App, Please click here

"Everything I learn in recovery I practice first doing service."  This is a we program and in doing service we get a chance to practice our recovery,  take the concrete actions that support recovery for all and receive the gift of recovery that comes when we do service with others.  . In these roles you can build your leadership, organizational skills, tech skills… as well as (like with all service commitments) practice being in healthier relationships with your time energy and fellows in service, work and life.

There are many options for service whether it be within your group or at the World Service Level.  Whether you are a newcomer, or have years of recovery under your belt, you are welcome.  There are very few service positions with guidelines that limit who can serve so don't be afraid to join a committee or just show up at a meeting to see what it's like.

If you’re not sure where you’d like to practice tool #5,  just try showing up at a few different committee meetings on the calendar page of and see what interests you.

The established and active committees are as follows:

Committees that exist but aren't currently active: